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Our goal is to bring the history of the old game alive for you.

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We began making featherie golf balls in 2016 for our hickory friends and events. What has followed is thousands of hours of research and experimentation. There were many rabbit holes to be explored: how was thread made centuries ago? What was the chemical composition of Scottish water at that time? And perhaps most famously, what did a "top hat-full of feathers" actually measure out to?

Well-meaning friends also suggested work-arounds: 3-D printing, injection molding, machine sewing, and adding foreign materials to the feathers to increase weight and hardness were just a few suggestions. But there is no point in making the balls unless we stay as true as possible to the tools, ingredients, and methods of the time, at least as far as our research could uncover. 

There is one major alteration to our recipe: no lead paint. Not only is it dangerous to people and the environment, it is simply not available today. The paint we use is completely safe, but it does not add the weight that lead paint probably did. Balls back in the day weighed between 1.5 to 1.9 ounces (25 to 29 drams), and our balls weigh a bit below that.

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